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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Five positions as postdoc or research fellow in Geology/Geophysics

are available at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway


For further information please contact: Professor Knut Bjørlykke, e-mail:, tel: +47 22856668 or Associate professor Jens Jahren, e-mail:, tel +47 228 56611

Information about the Department see:

Ref. no. 06/15010: Postdoc position code is SKO 1352 pay grade 54 - 56 (NOK 389.400 - 403.500 per year)
Ref. no. 06/1 5088: Research fellow position code is SKO 1017, pay grade 41 - 46 (NOK 310.500 - 338.300 per year)
The positions are available from 01.01.07 for a period of three years. Closing date for application: 2006-12-31

Applications are invited for postdoc and research fellowship (PhD) positions in geology/geophysics at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway.

The successful candidates will be employed in the project:

"Quantifying the Effects of Sediment Deposition, Compaction and Pore Fluid on Rock Properties and Seismic Signatures"

To projects aim is to better understand the relationships between mechanical and chemical sediment compaction, physical properties of rocks and seismic responses and to improve predictions of lithology and fluid content from seismic data. Furthermore combine results from experimental soil and rock mechanical analyses, in situ measurements in sedimentary basins, rock physics and seismic analyses. The main goal is to link the key geological processes; deposition and mechanical and chemical compaction to geophysical measurable parameters for a quantitative and practical analysis that can be applied in exploration. The fellows will work on compaction of sediments based on seismic data, geomechanical data and experiments, and available petrophysical data.

The project is a Research Council of Norway financed project through the PETROMAX program and is a cooperative project between research groups in sedimentology/diagenesis, rock physics and seismic analyses at several universities in Norway and North America. Participants in this project include researchers from Stanford University, Colorado School of Mines, University of Bergen, University of Oslo and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Industry partners are Hydro and Statoil.


For further information contact: Professor Jan Inge Faleide, e-mail:, tel +47 228 56677

For information about the Department see:

The positions are:

* One postdoc position, code SKO 1352, for a period of 2 years, ref no 06/1 5090
* One research fellowship position, code SKO 1017, for a period of 3 years, ref no 06/15091
* One research fellowship or postdoc position, code SKO 1017/1 352, for a period of 3/2.5 years, ref no 06/1 5008

Pay grade for research fellowships is 41 - 46 (NOK 310.500 - 338.300 per year),and for postdoc positions 54 - 56 (NOK 389.400 - 403.500 per year).

Closing date for application is 2006-12-31.

Applications are invited for postdoc and research fellowship (PhD) positions in geology/geophysics at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway.

The successful candidates for the postdoc and research fellowship positions will be engaged in the large interdisciplinary research project "Petroleum-related regional studies of the Barents Sea region" (PETROBAR) funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) and Statoil under the PETROMAKS programme.

Partners in the research project are: Department of Geosciences (project leader) and Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo; Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen; International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS); Geological Survey of Norway (NGU); and Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research (VBPR). We will also collaborate with Russian scientists/institutions. The main goal of the PETROBAR project is to enhance the understanding of fundamental, large-scale, processes behind sedimentary basin formation and evolution in the Barents Sea region and their impact on the petroleum systems. We particularly address problems related to the tectonic development and processes responsible for vertical movements in Barents Sea sedimentary basins and surrounding areas. Deep processes responsible for the subsidence will have special attention, and new tectono-sedimentological/geodynamic models will be developed. The new, partly quantitative, understanding of basin development and petroleum systems will be used by petroleum industry to decrease exploration risk in the Barents Sea. The study will be regionally based, using data from both the Norwegian and Russian sectors of the Barents Sea.

The project has been divided into sub-projects (tasks) that are closely linked. The first three cover our integrated approach: (1) the basin architecture (structure, stratigraphy and evolution) is (2) linked to underlying structures in the crust and upper mantle and (3) numerical modelling is carried out to study key processes responsible for the basin formation and development. This threefold approach is applied in four thematic case studies including (1) East Barents Sea basin initiation and evolution, (2) Arctic magmatism, (3) SW Barents Sea basin evolution, and (4) Cenozoic structuring and uplift/erosion.

The postdoc(s) and research fellow(s) at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo will work on one or several of the following tasks:

* Basin architecture: Regional mapping to establish a structural and stratigraphic framework linking the western and eastern Barents Sea basins. Identify main tectonic events and map their spatial and temporal distribution. Refine the geological history - with emphasis on vertical movements.
* Deep structure: Integrated analysis of seismic, gravity and magnetic data to better constrain the deep basin configuration and crustal structure. Link basin architecture to underlying structures in the crust and upper mantle. Further development of regional 3D velocity and density models of the lithosphere.
* Construction of regional profiles: Provide constraints for 2D forward and inverse modeling (by project partners) focusing on tectonic development and temperature history.
* Rock physics: Study physical properties of deep basin fill in relation to compaction and metamorphosis. Provide modeling constraints.
* Arctic magmatism: Mapping the distribution of extrusives and intrusives. Absolute and relative timing of the volcanic activity. Quantifying vertical motions, erosion, and basin infill episodes likely influenced by the Early Cretaceous magmatism. Model the temperature and diagenetic effects of magmatism.
* Early Cenozoic compression/inversion: Plate tectonic setting of the early Cenozoic Spitsbergen fold and thrust belt. Mapping of compressional structures east of Svalbard and further east in Russian part of the Barents Sea. Search for age constraints of compressional structures in the eastern Barents Sea and adjacent to Novaya Zemlya. 2D and 3D modelling of intra-plate stress effects.
* Late Cenozoic uplift/erosion: Establish constraints for modelling of Late Cenozoic vertical movements (uplift, erosion, isostasy).

Application: The application may be written in Norwegian or English and should be marked with the appropriate reference number. Applications should be sent to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Attn: Thomas Brånå, P.O. Box 1032 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo, Norway. E-mail:

Applicants should submit:

* Application letter including a statement of interest (related to the list of research tasks above) and indicating a preferred starting date.
* Curriculum vitae including one set of certified copies of certificates.
* A list of published and unpublished works.
* Three copies of scientific works (printed or non-printed) that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee.
* Names and contact information of two references.

For the postdoc position(s) a PhD degree in geology/geophysics or related fields is a minimum requirement.

The purpose of the research fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a doctoral (PhD) degree. The position requires admission to the research training programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. An approved plan for the research training must be submitted no later than one month after taking up the position, and admission approved within the duration of the probationary period of six months. For more information see:
http://www.uio. no/admhb/reglhb/personal/tilsettingvitenskapelig/guidelinesresearchfellow.xml

The University of Oslo is an equal opportunity employer and seeks in particular to increase its number of female scientists. Women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

For more information please see: http://www.matnat. uio. no/english/index. html

Alternatively, for information in Norwegian:

UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.

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