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Monday, April 14, 2008


There are days that I surf for inspiration. I sometimes search for Desiderata, to read it and to inspire me. This is my form of personal Intervention, whenever I have a personal crisis.

Although our society has now advanced more than ever, I guess, individual pressure has also risen. Many people are beset by emotional, physical, and social problems that can erode their quality of life, and could possibly make there life miserable. Common problems we read or hear are obesity, anxiety, partner violence, depression etc. Also, I sometimes wonder what trigger kids to a shooting spree in schools, and whether they are preventable.

Anyway, on the internet, there is a website that could offer us a wide range of information about various Interventions. It has well organized entries including intervention addiction, alcohol treatment and alcoholism, crisis intervention, depression and depression treatment, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, among others. You should visit this site if you are searching for intervention information. The site is

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