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Monday, June 18, 2007

3 year Ph.D. grant in aquatic biogeochemistry

Ph.D. grant at the Institute of Biology, Natural Science Faculty, University of Southern Denmark:

Phosphorus biogeochemistry in meadows

A 3 years Ph D. grant is available at the Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Denmark within the project: “Best Management of Stream Banks, Bufferzones and Floodplains for reducing Agricultural Phosphorus Losses (Buffalo-P)”. Other partners in the project are the National Environmental Research Institute and the Faculty for Agricultural Sciences, University of Aarhus (AaU), and the Faculty of Life Science, University of Copenhagen (KU). The Ph. D. student will be assigned to SDU but will have to spend time (at least 6 month) at one or more of the other institutions. Supervisors will be Associate Professor Henning S. Jensen (SDU) and Professor Hans Christian Bruun Hansen (KU).

The project encompasses:

1. Studies of phosphate adsorption kinetics to various types of Danish low-land soils under varying redox conditions. The importance of iron, aluminium, and humic substances should be ruled out for later generalization of the results. This part of the research will mainly take place at KU.
2. Experimental studies of the importance of drying and re-wetting of soils for phosphate retention in soil surface layers. This part of the research will take place at AaU.
3. Field experiments for examination of phosphorus retention in natural systems (low-land fields that are flooded with drainage water from upland agricultural fields) under various hydraulic loading.
4. Generalisation of results through modelling to establish a best management practice.

We seek a master candidate with background in one or more of the fields:
• Biogeochemistry
• Geochemistry
• Soil science
• Hydrogeology
• Modelling.

The application shall include a copy of the transcript from the Master degree, a CV with a list of publications, a summary of the master project (1 page), and a suggestion for a research plan for the Ph.D. study (1-2 pages). Application details can be discussed with Dr. Henning S. Jensen or Dr. Hans Christian Bruun Hansen.

Deadline for application is June 25th. The project should start as soon as possible.
Application should be directed to Henning S. Jensen, Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M., Denmark.


The Ph.D. study at The Natural Science Faculty:
Institute of Biology:
Dr. Henning S Jensen:
Dr. Hans Christian Bruun Hansen:

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